- Based on Open Croquet distributed computation architecture
- Squeak Smalltalk programming language
- Sophie XUL is used for user interface markup
- Zero install - running anywhere without setup
- Included CAVE automatic virtual environment with support of unlimited nodes and projections
- The most secure and strongest web server Seaside
- OSC support for TUIO, Kinect and WebApp controllers through Seaside
- OMeta for Squeak and user-defined markup languages
- Multiplatform: running on Winodws/Mac/Linux
- Included CCSE collaborative curved space explorer

Virtual Learning Environment
Virtual Learning Environment
- Collaborative 3D Virtual Worlds
- Portals
- Filters
- Web-server integration
- OSC and Midi protocol (TUIO, Wii, Kinect)
- Squeak/Etoys to interact in virtual world
- Collaborative live coding
- Library of objects

Collaborative Curved Space Explorer (CCSE)
Collaborative Curved Space Explorer (CCSE)
- Multi-user toolbox for exploring a structure of curved spaces in 3D
- Real-time rendering of curved spaces
- Port of the Jeff Weeks original C version into Smalltalk and OpenCroquet architecture
- Complex simulations and very deep level of collaboration in curved spaces
- SnapPea compatible - application for creating and studying 3-manifolds
- Huge library of generated curved spaces: Euclidian, Hyperbolic, Spherical

- Multimedia Installation “A. A. Ivanov. The biblical sketches” in Moscow State Tretyakov Gallery
- Multimedia disk on art "Whistler and Russia" in Moscow State Tretyakov Gallery
- Multimedia disk on art “A. A. Ivanov. Graphics” in Moscow State Tretyakov Gallery
- Collaborative multitouch table
- Man'J - creating music in movement
- Virtual museum of curved spaces in 3D
Experiments in Krestianstvo SDK 1.x