Suslov Nikolai Viktorovich
Date of Birth: 18 January 1983
Mobile: +7 (911) 533 22 91, +7 (958) 856 28 99
Russia, Vologda
2023-2024 Author of the publications for the international WebSoundArt project.
Articles: Another Brick in the Web, Let It Crash, Virtual Environments for Web-Based Sound Art
2021 The developer and co-author of the art project "THIS IS NOT A CONCERT" at the Festival for Web based Music, 11 - 13 June 2021
2021 The 7th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN 2021) (17 May - 10 June 2021, iLRN Virtual Campus). The work Implementing Decentralized Virtual Time in P2P Collaborative Learning Environment for Web XR, publisher IEEE
2019 The 9th International Workshop on Programming based on Actors, Agents, and Decentralized Control (AGERE) at SPLASH 2019 (Sun 20 - Fri 25 October 2019, Athens, Greece). The work in progress "Krestianstvo Luminary: Decentralized Virtual Time for Croquet architecture".
2019 The Fourth International Conference on Live Coding, ICLC'19. The work " Towards P2P Collaborative Live Programming Environment for WebXR" was demonstrated and published at ICLC 2019 hosted by Medialab Prado, Madrid, Spain.
2017 ‹Programming› - 2017, the First International Conference on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming, Mon 3 - Thu 6 April 2017 | Brussels | Belgium. The work "Towards the Web for Virtual Being" was presented at ProWeb'17 section.
2016 The Third International Conference on Live Interfaces, ICLI'16 University of Sussex, UK, 29 June - 03 July 2016. Published and presented a demo: "Artist-aware, zero install immersive virtual environment for collaborative live performances"
2016 Member of programme committee at The third International Conference on Live Interfaces, ICLI'16, University of Sussex, UK
2015 5th European Immersive Education Summit (EiED) 7-10th September 2015 / IMMERSION 2015, hosted by Paris-Sorbonne University ("the Sorbonne") in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution and the global Immersive Education Initiative. Published and presented a paper: "Live conformal scaling of full-body immersion environments in the case of augmented reality systems and internet of things"
2015 The First International Conference on Live Coding, ICLC'15 (13-15th July 2015), University of Leeds, UK. Published and presented a paper: "From Live Coding to Virtual Being".
2014 SPLASH 2014 Portland (Oregon, United States), "Virtual World Framework & OMeta: collaborative programming of distributed objects with user defined languages" was presented at the Future Programming Workshop
2012 10th international conference С5’2012. Published and presented a paper: Suslov Nikolai, Krestianstvo SDK Towards End-user Mobile 3D Virtual Learning Environment. In Proceedings of the Conference on Creating, Connecting and Collaborating through Computing (C5) 2012, Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California, Playa Vista, California, USA, January 18-20, 2012, IEEE.
2008 16th ESUG 2008 International Conference (Amsterdam, Holland).
2008 6th international conference С5’2008 (Creating, Connecting and Collaborating through Computing) (France, Poitiers).
2007 10th Annual International Conference «EVA 2007 Moscow» (Russia, Moscow)
2007 15th ESUG 2006 International Conference (Lugano, Switzerland).
2006 21th OOPSLA 2006 International Conference (student volunteer program) (USA,Oregon, Portland)
2006 9th Annual International Conference «EVA 2006 Moscow» (Russia, Moscow).
2006 Attending 14th ESUG 2006 International Conference (Prague, Czech Republic).
2005 13th ESUG (European Smalltalk User Group) 2005 International Conference (Brussels, Belgium).
2004 Taking part in the third international conference “Electronic Era of Culture ”, Russia/Sochi. The report: “The system of public access to cultural resources of Vologda region “.
2003 Taking part in 7th international conference “ADIT (Association for Documentation and Information Technology.) - 2003” Russia/Pushkinogorie. The report: “Organizing the informational space for public access to cultural resources“.
2008 Attending the seminars on «reinforcement machine learning» EWRL’08 (France, Lille)
2008 Learning in summer school on «Machine learning and artificial intelligence» EPIT’2008 (France, Porkerolle)
2007-2008 Researching in the "automation engineering” laboratory. Ecole des Mines de Douai (France, Douai)
2007 The research work is supported by the grant from the Foundation of Russian fundamental science. Project No07-0700332: Virtual learning space: «Krestianstvo»
2006 Internship at Impara GmbH (Germany, Magdeburg). Participating in Sophie (multimedia authoring tool) and Croquet (3D collaborative environment) software projects development.
2005 M. Sc. Diploma in Informational Technology, Vologda State Technical University, Informational Systems and Technology Department. Research title: “The authorized application for creating distributed multimedia courses, based on open learning network technologies“ (Croquet/Smalltalk)
2004 Certificate on completion courses “Information security”, grade “excellent”. Academy of A.F. Mozhaiski. St Petersburg
2000 Admission as an undergraduate to Vologda State Technical University, Informational Systems and Technology Department.
Work Experience:
2013 - current Software Engineer and researcher on computer science at Fund for Supporting Development of Russian Technology (Russia, Vologda)
2011-2013 Software Engineer at Institute for Educational Development (Russia, Vologda).
2012 Developing CAVE (automatic virtual environment) based on Krestianstvo/OpenQwaq (Russia, Vologda).
2010 Developing Collaborative multitouch table based on Krestianstvo/Croquet/TUIO table (Russia, Vologda).
2009 Organising Electronic orchestra of notebooks (Squeak, SuperCollider) (Russia, Vologda)
2009 Developing the “Virtual museum of 3D space or Collaborative curved space explorer” (Russia, Vologda)
2008 Developing the Cube of virtual reality VSTU (Russia, Vologda)
2007 Developing and running the augment reality project ‘Igrishe’ (Based on Croquet) (Russia, Moscow).
2006 Developing multimedia disk on art “A. A. Ivanov. Graphics” (Squeak/Seaside) in Moscow State Tretyakov Gallery.
2006 Developing multimedia disk on art ‘Whistler and Russia’ (Sophie/Tweak/ Croquet) in Moscow State Tretyakov Gallery.
2006 Software Engineer in Moscow State Tretyakov Gallery (Multimedia and Internet technology department).
2004 Organising the public access in Vologda to the first interactive theatre festival “Theatre Web”. Moscow.
2004 Taking part in the informational technology project “The system of public access to cultural resources”. The project wins the third prize laureate (Diploma, 2004) in Russian competition “The best region in IT field.” Russia/Moscow. The nomination: “The use of informational-communicational technologies in culture”.
2003 Chief engineer of Technical department in “Vologda regional state informational-analitical center of culture”.