О программе
Collaborative Live Coding Space with support of user-defined languages and WebVR ready 3D graphics
Based on: Virtual World Framework | A-Frame | Ohm language | OSC.js | Cell.js | GunDB and more...
Online at: https://livecoding.space
- Decentralized network model for A-Frame components and entities based on VWF replicated computation architecture
- Ohm language driver for sharing user-defined grammars, parsers, tokenisers inside virtual space
- In browser Code and Properties editor based on Cell.js
- OSC messaging through OSC relay on the client
- Avatars (Simple and GLTF models with animation)
- Multi-window or multi-monitor/multi-machine setups with view offset cameras
- WebRTC for video/audio streaming, 3D positional audio support
- GearVR, Windows MixedReality motion controllers ..
LiveCoding.space v0.2
moves towards pure-decentralized application architecure by introducing:
- Stand-alone VWF Reflector и экспериментальная версия Krestianstvo Luminary
- Single page web application
- Client-side router (generating instances IDs by a client) (about)
- GunDB storage system for serving
Proxy VWF components
,Worlds prototypes
,World save states
,User Inventories
etc. in fully decentralized (peer-to-peer or multi-master) DB (about) - GunDB SEA (Security, Encryption, Authorization) framework for user authorization and P2P identities (about)